At out last Rotary meeting we were fortunate to have Jeff Christan of Human Rights International visit us. Human Rights International celebrated the 66th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights. The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is headquartered in Lund, Sweden. They assist worldwide in developing university curriculum in the area of human rights. They also help c
ountries worldwide in following the international standards for the treatment of prisoners.

Most people need something ” in it for me ” to buy in to programs affecting them. Jeff helps show prison staff how following international standards on the treatment of prisoners makes their lives safer. Pilot programs are done in specific prisons to let the staff measure their own performance and to train trainers. It allows them to celebrate successes and to develop specific legislation in individual countries based on the international standards.
From a human rights perspective, prison safety can be measured in different ways: Static security is locks, keys and guns; dynamic security is a deliberate interaction between staff and inmates. It may not be seen as the most efficient way to move a prisoner, having a guard escort them across the prison, but it creates an opportunity for interaction and humanization.
Daily standard routine is very important for inmates. They don’t control when they eat, when they exercise, when they work, so its important that routines are not randomly changed, as this causes anxiety.